Supercars Regularity Event
29-30-31 may 2020

03/23/2020Coronavirus Covid-19

Following the latest provisions taken by the Italian Government, as well as by the Presidency of the Lombardy Region, we regret to inform you that the Scuderia Mantova Corse is forced to close its office starting from today.

02/18/2020Press release n°2 is online!

The registrations for the most glamorous event for supercars in the world are open.

01/10/2020Press release n°1 is online!

On Wednesday 15 th of January, the registrations for the much awaited 2 nd edition of the Grand Road Italia (scheduled from May, 29 th to May, 31 st 2020) will open. The event is reserved to Supercars of all brands, built from 1991 until today.
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